COPYRIGHT 2014 - 2024 Lane Youth Soccer Association


All players are required to wear the full LYSA uniform for games.  Mismatched pieces (socks, shorts, etc.) are not allowed.

All teams at all ages (except U5) use the same uniform kit.  Uniform kits are available 24/7 at LYSAGearUp. They are also available for in-person purchase at the Gear Up! Sale on Saturday, March 22nd (more info here). The kit includes two jerseys (one red and one blue), one pair of black shorts and one pair of black socks.  The cost for the kit is $75.  The kit can be used for as many seasons as it fits your player.  All uniform kit sales are done only through LYSA.

League t-shirts are provided for each U5 player with the cost included in the registration fee.  No LYSA uniform kit will be required for U5 players.  

U6 and above players will be required to purchase the LYSA uniform kit. Mismatched pieces (socks, shorts, etc.) are not allowed.

To play in games, all U6 and older players need the full uniform kit listed above and shinguards.  Always bring both jerseys and shinguards to every game.  For younger ages, cleats are nice, but not required; a good pair of sneakers are fine.  For middle school and above, cleats are very beneficial and highly recommended, but are not required.  A water bottle (filled with water) should also be brought to games and practices.  No other equipment is required.

Adult jerseys are available on-line at LYSAGearUp!  Additional shorts & socks are also available.  Players can request their 'special' number and, if we have it in stock, the request will be filled.

As always, cleats, balls, shin guards, additional socks, practice jerseys, ball bags and the like are offered at the Gear Up! Sale.  The equipment available at this sale is top-notch quality at very competitive prices. The proceeds from this sale go toward supporting our scholarship program to help ensure that EVERY child plays, regardless of financial situation.  Fun for All.

Now open  (Click Here)