COPYRIGHT 2014 - 2024 Lane Youth Soccer Association

LYSA Advertising & Corporate Sponsorship Policy

Lane Youth Soccer Association (LYSA) provides a fun, competitive youth soccer experience for ALL children of Lane County ages 4 to 19 with teams located in many communities.  Skill development and a love for the

game is taught within a co-ed, fun environment by trained volunteer coaches and referees.

As a sponsor your monetary support will help provide financial aid for families in need, help develop our facilities and sustain our continuous need for field gear.  Sponsors have seen excellent success with

advertising opportunities at our soccer fields, with business names on team jerseys and banners, our website and social media promotions.  The opportunity to reach out to hundreds of families within our organization

has proven to be very productive for our sponsors.  Ongoing operation and growth of future programs at LYSA relies on our mutual relationship with our sponsors.

By participating in the Team Sponsorship Program, you:

 Help create opportunities for more children to participate in youth sports.

 Help keep the cost of youth sports programs low.

 Help keep children happy, healthy and active.

 Promote your business in the community.

LYSA currently enrolls about 1,500 players each year.  Every game day, your business name and logo have

the potential of being viewed by over 2,000 adult spectators in a fun, inclusive environment.  Our website receives over 23,000 unique views per year.  Our families will know you are sponsoring a community activity they value.

LYSA welcomes the opportunity to work with businesses who share our commitment to all youth players.  

If you are interested in sponsorship, please contact the league Commissioner, Joel Andersen, at

All contributions are tax deductible and the full amount of your sponsorship directly supports LYSA in Lane County.  LYSA is a volunteer driven, non-profit LLC (Tax ID# (EIN) 46-5717365; Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code).


Lane Youth Soccer Association (LYSA) welcomes corporate sponsorship and advertising when such sponsorship and/or advertising promotes the club's mission, is consistent with the club’s purposes, and is otherwise in the best interests of the community.  The club does not endorse directly or by implication any products, services or ideas advertised except those provided directly by the club.

Sponsorship of LYSA does not permit the Sponsor to have any rights or responsibilities in the operation of LYSA, or any team.  Nor does the Sponsor have any rights or responsibilities in the selection of managers, coaches, or players for any team. Nothing herein shall make LYSA and the Sponsor partners or a joint venture. The Sponsor and LYSA are independent contractors with respect to one another, and neither shall have any authority to represent or bind the other in any manner or to any extent whatsoever, except as specified herein.

Individual Team Sponsorships Uses

One-half of sponsorship funds will be donated to the LYSA Scholarship Fund.  One-half of sponsorship funds must be made equally available to all team members of sponsored team.  Individual teams may use up to one-half of total sponsorship funds for:

The purchase of player uniforms, player gear, field gear and banners will be made only through LYSA and its established vendors.  Player jerseys must not be primarily similar in color to LYSA club red and blue jerseys. The jerseys need to appear significantly different on the soccer field from LYSA club jerseys so that referees may easily discern between teams.  Shorts and socks must be the basic black used for LYSA standard uniform kits.

Sponsorships are assumed to be for the duration of minimum one season, maximum two seasons (one fall/spring year).  Therefore, sponsored player uniforms and other branded items may be used for a maximum of two seasons.


Branding of player uniforms will be allowed in descending size and prominence and placement as follows:   

All other branded items must have LYSA logo in no less than second place prominence and size.

Player Names

Purpose of Policy

As a youth sports organization, LYSA seeks to provide an educational environment in which teaching and learning can occur relatively free from the pervasive messages of the broader commercial society. This advertising and corporate sponsorship policy is designed to guide decision-making for club personnel (coaches, program directors, etc.) seeking supplemental revenue to support a team or club program.  The policy is also designed to be mindful of the club’s status as a nonprofit organization under the law.

Corporate Sponsorship

Individual teams and program directors must adhere to this policy when engaging in corporate sponsorships. The Commissioner reserves the right to review and reject corporate sponsorship agreements that any volunteers are entertaining. To the extent that corporate sponsorships are charitable contributions by IRS definition, volunteers must provide a receipt at the time of contribution, indicating that no goods or services were given in exchange for the contribution.

To be considered a contribution, a corporate sponsorship payment must include all the following characteristics:

If all above characteristics are not met, then the payment is considered advertising revenue according to tax laws and regulations (see tax implications below).

Advertising and Corporate Sponsorship

To ensure the club’s compliance with applicable tax laws and regulations, the Commissioner is required under this policy to notify the LYSA Treasurer about advertising activity if any of the following conditions exist:

Revenues received are to be classified as advertising revenues, if the transaction has any of the following characteristics:

Advertising revenues earned by the club may be subject to State of Oregon tax and should be classified as miscellaneous service revenue.  Net income from advertising revenue (e.g., advertising revenue less related

expenses) is currently subject to federal unrelated business income tax (UBIT) if any of the following conditions exists:


LYSA Commissioner is responsible for approving or disapproving advertising and corporate sponsorship. The Commissioner will review (at their discretion) corporate sponsorship with individual teams or programs to determine whether the sponsorship meets or fails this policy.


"Advertising” means offering space in a print publication, web page or social media, on uniforms, gear, field banners/signage or any other materials unique to an individual team, to another party for the purpose of promoting or marketing any trade or business, or any service, facility or product. Advertising includes messages containing qualitative or comparative language, price information or other indications of savings or value, an endorsement, or an inducement to purchase, sell, or use any company, service, facility or product.

“Corporate sponsorship” means accepting a contribution in monetary and/or non-monetary goods or services from a business or commercial enterprise in exchange for acknowledgement of that business by an individual team or program in any of the forms listed above as “advertising”.

Conditional Acceptance of Sponsorships

Monetary sponsorships will only be accepted under the following conditions:

Conditional Use of Sponsorships

Monetary sponsorship funds will be distributed under the following conditions:

Sponsorship Levels







Team Gear


Full Team


Sponsor a single player for a season (pays for registration and uniform).

Media Exposure Sponsorship

Provides complete coach field gear/ball bag for one team to use throughout the season

Provides uniform kits for one team and complete Coach field gear/ball bag.

Full team expense. Includes player registration fee, uniform kits and coach field gear bag/ball bag.

1. Name/logo on Sponsor page on LYSA website. Link to business home page.

2. Name/logo LYSA FaceBook page.  Link to business home page.

3. Logo included in all social media use and field sponsor list.

4. Banner with corporate name/logo hung by fields at Petersen Park

5. Featured on our LYSA Monthly Facebook sponsor appreciation/shoutout post

6. Name/logo on team's game & practice uniforms

7.  Framed team photo & thank you card from sponsored team

8. Name/logo on team field banner posted behind team bench on gameday.

9.  Choice of LYSA merch. 5 caps with logo or 5 league soccer scarves.